A Talk on Work-Home-Self Balance

July 11th, 2010

Achieving work-life balance can be a challenge these days. Working mothers usually find themselves swamped with a lot of work, with hardly any time left to pursue their own interests.

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Of Jellyfish Stings, Mothers, and the Philippine Elections

May 8th, 2010

Just this week, my family and I went to Dumaguete for our annual family vacation. One of the activities we scheduled was to go dolphin watching, taking off from Bais City in Negros.

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Wanted: A Steward President for the Philippines

April 30th, 2010

The May 2010 Philippine presidential elections are upcoming and if you have already made your choice or have yet to make your choice, please gauge whether your choice will bring the Philippines closer to having a steward as president. This is actually what the Philippines needs, a steward for a president.

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Searching for God

April 8th, 2010

I once heard a priest say that we do not really search for God because God is the One Who searches for us. That God always exerts an effort to find us and that it is up to us to just be open to God.

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Holy Week Retreat: My Gift to One Lucky Person

March 14th, 2010

I once read before that one cannot go to heaven alone. We must bring someone with us.

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A Talk on: Stewardship and Advent

February 13th, 2010

Last November 21, 2009, I was invited by Fr. Ronald Macale, parish priest of the Resurrection of Our Lord Parish to do a talk on Stewardship and Advent. Resurrection of Our Lord Parish is located at 39 Basa St., Paltok, Quezon City.

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Have a Grace-filled 2010 Everyone!

January 2nd, 2010

It is the third day of the year 2010 and we look forward to the unfolding of the year with faith and hope. I wish all our Mom’s A Stewardess blog readers a year that is “overflowing with grace.”

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Mom’s A Stewardess is Best Book in Family Life at the Cardinal Sin Book Awards 2009

October 24th, 2009

Mom’s A Stewardess won Best Book in Family Life at the recently concluded Cardinal Sin Book Awards 2009. The award was given out at the 31st Catholic Mass Media Awards held at the San Carlos Seminary Auditorium in Makati on October 14, 2009 at 5pm in the afternoon.

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Prayer and Typhoon Pepeng

October 2nd, 2009

Super Typhoon Pepeng threatens our country, the Philippines today and in the coming days. It is the Feast of the Guardian Angels today so let us all ask our guardian angels to keep watch over us.

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Help Typhoon Ondoy Victims

September 28th, 2009

I received the following prayer via text from a friend, please pray it for all those who have been affected by Typhoon Ondoy:

“Our Father in Heaven, we humbly pray to you as a nation.

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